You don’t want to be left short when you need to make those fancy new plasma weapons or flying armors! You can’t construct any of these on your own, either you have to salvage them from missions (particularly UFO raids). You’ll need each of these as necessary materials for a lot of manufacturable weapons, armors, and items in the game (especially Alloys!). Never, under any circumstances, sell Alien Alloys, some corpses, or Elerium. The game will clearly indicate what is OK to sell without any consequences.
You should also sell extraneous items, like Alien Entertainment, right away. But a “Gray Market” does exist, where you can sell alien artifacts to the 16 Council-member nations.ĭamaged UFO Power Sources or Flight Computers are useless to your research department, so sell those immediately for easy cash. For instance, you can’t manufacture items at your discretion for the sole purpose of selling them to unknown buyers. You don’t quite have a black market in Enemy Unknown as you did in the other X-Com games. Three top investment pros open up about what it takes to get your video game funded.